“In South Asia distributed solar potential, can support the region’s energy needs and can also accelerate the transition towards low carbon systems for a clean energy future. USAID’s South Asia Regional Energy Hub (SAREH) and USAID’s PACE-D 2.0 RE Program in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) organized a webinar on ‘Scaling Grid-Connected Distributed Solar In South Asia’ under the South Asia Energy Series on March 23, 2021. In the webinar, USAID India’s PACE 2.0 RE program, NREL, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) showcased the results and learnings from their recent work with Indian national and sub-national governments, and Indian power utilities on next generation interventions for distributed solar energy systems.
Through our energy series, we promote knowledge exchange and learning on clean energy development and deployment, in South Asia. A a central platform under the Asia EDGE initiative for USAID to coordinate and communicate all activities within South Asia, the United States Energy Association (USEA) is our implementing partner.Webinar recording of this event is available here.