The virtual forum provided a platform to share views on energy cooperation, economic development, job creation, partnership on global climate change, and much more. The forum highlighted some of the major challenges and opportunities in the Bangladesh energy sector. It further showcased accomplishments from USAID’s ongoing, and recently concluded clean energy activities, and unveiled USAID/Bangladesh’s three new activities coming online in 2021, including the estimated $15 million Bangladesh Advancing Development and Growth through Energy (BADGE) activity.
During the lively technical panel discussion, NREL highlighted the emerging technologies and solutions for a clean energy transition in Bangladesh, and touched upon the renewable energy grid integration challenges and plausible solutions for Bangladesh. Through the industry lens, the Bangladesh Solar and Renewable Energy Association (BSREA) highlighted bottlenecks in renewable energy project development and financing and shared their recommendations to address them. The audience also learned the Government of Bangladesh’s perspective on the policy needs and measures that have been taken to support more investments in the renewable energy sector in Bangladesh. Finally, USAID/Bangladesh explained how it perceives its contribution for a clean energy future in Bangladesh, how the United States and Bangladesh are cooperating on new solutions and technologies for clean energy development, deployment and integration, and how USAID has been advancing cross-border energy collaboration efforts in the South Asia region.Webinar recording of this event is available here.