Knowledge Library Sector - Regional Power Trade and Markets

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2024
- India
Shri Rajiv Ratna Panda Presentation on “South Asia as the Regional Energy Hub for facilitating Trans-Regional Grid”
Roundtable Dialogue: Electricity Regulatory Cooperation Framework for Trans-Regional Grid Interconnection for Enhanced Energy Security and Climate Prosperity: Integrating South Asia, ASEAN, GCC, and Africa..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2024
- India
Shri. Prihastya Wiratama Current Scenario and Future Prospects for Regional Electricity Regulatory Cooperation for Deepeni
Current Scenario and Future Prospects for Regional Electricity Regulatory Cooperation for Deepening ASEAN Power Grid and Role of ASEAN Energy Regulators..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2024
- India
Shri. S.R. Narasimhan Global Experience in Operating Cross-Border Interconnections
Network codes are a set of rules drafted by ENTSO-E, with guidance from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators ACER, to facilitate..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2024
- South Asia
Study Report on International Best Practices on Business and Financial Models for Developing Cross-Border Electricity Transmission Infrastructure
The South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) serves as a flagship program of USAID to advance objectives of the U.S. Government’s Clean Asia Enhancing..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2024
- India
SAFIR-SAREP Regional Regulatory Dialogue on Enhancing Electricity Regulatory Ecosystem for Accelerating Clean Energy Transition and Achieving Net Zero Ambitions in the South Asia Region
The South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) was established in May 1999. SAFIR aims at providing high quality capacity building and training on..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2023
- Bhutan
Guidance note for Bhutan to trade in Indian power exchange
Bhutan procured electricity for the first time through the Indian Power Exchange in January 2022 to meet its power shortage. This exposure to the..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2023
- Bhutan
Integrted power exchange transaction model for dispatch, scheduling & bidding (IMDSB)
Bhutan, the land of Gross National Happiness, is also renowned for being a carbon-neutral nation and for contributing to cross-border electricity trade in the..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2023
- India
SAFIR-SAREP Annual Conference (2023) Proceedings: Deepening Cross Border Electricity Trade and Regional Electricity Market Development for Sustainable Energy in the south Asia region
The South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) was established in May 1999. SAFIR aims at providing high quality capacity building and training on..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2023
- Bangladesh
Presentation on Electricity Generation Planning and Perspective for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade – Bangladesh Perspective
Bangladesh has surplus power during winter season which can Export to neighboring countries during winter seasons…

- Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2023
- Bhutan
Presentation on Electricity Generation Planning in Bhutan and perspectives for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia – Bhutan Perspective
The Parties shall institute a Joint Steering Committee (JSC) co-chaired by Power Secretaries and a Joint Working Group (JWG) co-chaired by Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/Director..
Events Sector - Regional Power Trade and Markets

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 12/12/2024
- India
The potential of a large, interconnected grid that spans subregions, regions, or even continents is vast. Such a grid can take advantage of variations..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 19/11/2024
- South Asia
On November 19, 2024, USAID, and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) jointly hosted a high-level session titled ‘Envisioning Super Grids for Large-Scale Clean Energy..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 19/10/2024
- South Asia
The second part of the Power Market Series titled “Powering Up: The Role of Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading in the Electricity Market” successfully concluded on..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 07/09/2024
- India
The Batch-2 of Regional Power System Operator Training and Certification Program, held from September 2 to September 7, 2024, at the National Power Training..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 29/08/2024
- South Asia
On August 29, 2024, the first online session of the Power Market Series, titled “Powering Up: The Role of Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading in the..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 08/07/2024
- South Asia
USAID, through its South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) program, organized a virtual capacity-building series titled “Enabling Technology Implementation for Interconnecting Grids” to address..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 01/07/2024
- Bangladesh
Energy security and climate change has become the one of the major concerns in the South Asian region. With Two-thirds of energy used in..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 14/03/2024
- South Asia
The concept of super grids, which connect regional grids in a larger geographical area, is seen as an effective solution for meeting increasing energy..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 28/02/2024
- South Asia
South Asia (SA) Countries (SACs) are uniquely placed to achieve their clean energy transformation goals. The region has tremendous hydro potential (~350 GW) and..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 19/02/2024
- South Asia
The USAID through the South Asia Regional Energy Hub (SAREH) (also referred as the “Hub”), organized an online session as part of the South..