Indian Railways Global Ceiling Fan Competition      ||      Clean Energy Investment Facilitation Platform      ||      South Asia Clean Energy Forum (SACEF) 2024      ||      Inviting applications for the SAREP Grants Annual Program Statement (APS) – FY2024. “[ON HOLD]: In light of the recent Executive Order titled “Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid” signed by President Trump on January 20, 2025, the South Asia Regional Energy Program (SAREP) Project has been placed in a “Stop Work” status by USAID. As a result, this solicitation is currently on hold until further notice. RTI cannot receive or answer any questions or accept bids at this time. Please check back at a later date for updates.” For more information click Here.
Opportunities: I. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Bhutan Power System Operator (BPSO) e-Monitoring Digitalization Solution. For more information click here. Last date: February 10, 2025.      ||      II. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Provide Technical Services to Support the Saturation of Government Buildings with Rooftop Solar in Haryana. For more information click here. Last date: February 7, 2025.

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Guidebook-Developing Resource Plan for DISCOM in RE Rich Environment using REPOSE Software

The objective of the guidebook is to help utility professionals understand the importance of resource planning and how to formulate resource plans using the DISCOM REPSOE software tool.


Accelerating Solar Rooftop for Residential Customers

Accelerating Solar Rooftop for Residential Customers

The objective of this paper is to examine the challenges and make recommendations for accelerating the deployment of SPVRT among residential customers, where the greatest potential for rooftop solar expansion lies.


Advancing Clean Energy Deployment with Better Resource Planning: The Case of Assam

Advancing Clean Energy Deployment with Better Resource Planning: The Case of Assam

PACE-D 2.0 RE worked with the Government of Assam to develop tools and methods that can help the state distribution utility, Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL), create medium- and long-term resource plans, optimize power purchase costs, and boost uptake of renewable energy.



PACE-D 2.0 RE Impact Report (January 2019 – June 2021)

The report captures the results of the PACE-D 2.0 RE program in improving the strategic planning for renewable energy by the utilities, addressing core issues to scaling rooftop solar, and introducing innovative business models and system-friendly procurement practices.



Transforming India’s Power Landscape

India’s National Tariff Policy mandates that power distribution companies (DISCOMs) purchase renewable energy (RE) to meet their renewable purchase obligation (RPO) targets. Procurement of RE, which is less predictable and variable by nature, requires systems to tackle the variability and intermittency of RE power supply and prevent demand-supply mismatches in the grid.


Recommendation for a RE

Recommendations for a Renewable Energy Implementation Action Plan for Bangladesh

The white paper analyzes Bangladesh’s future power generation capacity plans, examines the targets set in various policies that promote utility-scale renewable energy (RE), and proposes an alternative development plan for grid-connected RE.



Prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia

This report highlights the prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia and various associated challenges, opportunities and the way forward.



Brief Report on SARI/EI Participation in the Second in a 2021 series of webinar from the Clean Energy Ministerial Regional and Global Energy Interconnection Initiative

Based on the invitation received Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARI/EI/IRADe participated as speaker in the second in a 2021 series of webinar from the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI) Initiative held on 4th March,2021 and presented on “One Sun One World One Grid: Energy Integration in South Asia”.



Prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the excellent work done by the SARI/EI team at IRADe andloitte India in developing the background paper.


Analytical Study to Assess the Potential of Gas / LNG for Regional Energy Cooperation in BBINS Region

Analytical Study to Assess the Potential of Gas / LNG for Regional Energy Cooperation in BBINS Region

Natural gas (NG) is less polluting than other fossil fuels for power generation, as also for transportation, household and industry sector and also offers economic advantage in preference to other fuel options.


Proceedings of roundtable discussion on Financing Clean Energy and Smart Meter Rollout

Proceedings of Virtual Workshop on Financing Clean Energy and Smart Meter Rollout

USAID’s South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) program organised a roundtable and stakeholder discussion on October 22, 2021 titled ‘Financing Clean Energy and Smart Meter Rollout’



Presentation on Harmonisation of Rules and Common Minimum Grid Code (CMGC) for South Asia

Presentation on Harmonisation of Rules and Common Minimum Grid Code (CMGC) for South Asia by Mr. Pankaj Batra, Project Director & Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SAR//EI/IRADe



Presentation on “One Sun One World One Grid : Energy Integration in South Asia”

Presentation on “One Sun One World One Grid : Energy Integration in South Asia” by Rajiv Ratna Panda,Associate Director, SARI-EI-IRADe” in the Second in a 2021 series of webinar from the Clean Energy Ministerial Regional and Global Energy Interconnection Initiative, 4th March, 2021



Presentation on the Developing Regional Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Energy Integration & Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET)

Presentation on the Developing Regional Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Energy Integration & Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) by Mr. Pankaj Batra, Project Director, SARI/EI/IRADe & Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARI/EI/IRADe



Presentation on Regional Investment Framework for Mobilising Investment in South Asia and South Asia Forum on Energy Investment (SAFEI)

Presentation on Regional Investment Framework for Mobilising Investment in South Asia and South Asia Forum on Energy Investment (SAFEI) by Mr. V K Agrawal, Technical Director & Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SAR//EI/IRADe



Presentation on Models of Trilateral-Multilateral Cross BorderPower Trade-Transition of bilateral power trade to trilateral and multilateral power trade in South Asia

Presentation on Models of Trilateral-Multilateral Cross BorderPower Trade-Transition of bilateral power trade to trilateral and multilateral power trade in South Asia by Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARIEIIRADe & Mr. Rajneesh Sharma, Director,Deloitte,India



Key Findings and Highlights Report on Prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia: Challenges, Opportunities and way forward” & SAFIR Regulatory Newsletter”

Key Findings and Highlights Report on Prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia: Challenges, Opportunities and way forward” & SAFIR Regulatory Newsletter” by Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARI/EI/IRADe



Regional Technical Institutional (RTI) Mechanism For Harmonising Power System Operation Practices & Norms in South Asia

Regional Technical Institutional (RTI) Mechanism For Harmonising Power System Operation Practices & Norms in South Asia by Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARI/EI/IRADe



Presentation on Key Findings of the SWG Draft Research Study Report on “Regulatory Interventions for Grid Discipline and Grid Reliability (GDR) in the South Asian Region

Presentation on Key Findings of the SWG Draft Research Study Report on “Regulatory Interventions for Grid Discipline and Grid Reliability (GDR) in the South Asian Region by Mr. Hitesh Chaniyara (Executive Director, PWC, India) & Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda (Associate Director, SARI/EI IRADe)



Presentation on Regional Energy Cooperation in South Asia

Presentation on Regional Energy Cooperation in South Asia by Mr. Pankaj Batra (Project Director, SARI/EI IRADe) & Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda (Associate Director, SARI/EI IRADe)



Harmonisation of Rules and Common Minimum Grid Code (CMGC) for South Asia-Jurisdiction on Grid Codes by Regulatory Commission, Comments and Response on CMGC

Harmonisation of Rules and Common Minimum Grid Code (CMGC) for South Asia-Jurisdiction on Grid Codes by Regulatory Commission, Comments and Response on CMGC by Mr. Pankaj Batra (Project Director, SARI/EI IRADe) & Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda (Associate Director, SARI/EI IRADe)


distributed solar

Distributed Solar Quality and Safety in India: Key Challenges and Potential Solutions

This report presents a series of best practices and priorities for use by concerned authorities in India to improve the quality and safety of rooftop photovoltaic systems.


White Paper on Rethinking DISCOM Resource Planning – in Renewable Energy Rich Environment

Recommendations for Model Regulations: Regulatory Framework for Resource Planning

This report reveals the notable gaps that exist in the current regulatory framework for resource planning derived from an extensive primary and secondary research conducted for 12 states in India.



Minimum Load/Ramp Test Procedure For Coal Based Thermal Power Plants (TPPS)

The USAID India “Greening the Grid Program” is being funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is an initiative of the U.S. Government.



Standard Bidding Documents for Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider (AMISP)

This Model Standard Bidding Document (SBD) has been prepared for the selection and appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (“AMI”) .


Recipe Book for Flexibilisation of Coal Based Power Plants

Recipe Book for Flexibilisation of Coal Based Power Plants

The purpose of this report is to understand the regulatory dimensions to renewable energy forecasting, scheduling, and balancing in India’s power grid.
