Indian Railways Global Ceiling Fan Competition      ||      Clean Energy Investment Facilitation Platform      ||      South Asia Clean Energy Forum (SACEF) 2024      ||      Inviting applications for the SAREP Grants Annual Program Statement (APS) – FY2024. “[ON HOLD]: In light of the recent Executive Order titled “Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid” signed by President Trump on January 20, 2025, the South Asia Regional Energy Program (SAREP) Project has been placed in a “Stop Work” status by USAID. As a result, this solicitation is currently on hold until further notice. RTI cannot receive or answer any questions or accept bids at this time. Please check back at a later date for updates.” For more information click Here.
Opportunities: I. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Bhutan Power System Operator (BPSO) e-Monitoring Digitalization Solution. For more information click here. Last date: February 10, 2025.      ||      II. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Provide Technical Services to Support the Saturation of Government Buildings with Rooftop Solar in Haryana. For more information click here. Last date: February 7, 2025.

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Brief Report -SARI-EI participation as Resource Person in SAARC Dissemination Workshop on Regional Hydro Power Plant in South Asia-Kathmandu

Based on the invitation from SAARC Energy Centre of South Asia Association of Regional Cooperation, Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Head-Technical, SARI/EI/IRADe participated in the SAARC Dissemination Workshop on “The Study for Development of Potential Regional Hydro Power Plant in South Asia” held on 09th -10th May, 2016 at Hotel SoalteeCrowne Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal.



SKSoonee POSOCO SARI/EI Workshop Bangladesh

Medium Term, Long Term, Grant of Access, Protection Coordination, Standards, Metering Security, Reliability, Scheduling, Despatch, Congestion Mgmt., SCADA/EMS, Ancillary Service.



TF-1 Report Suggested Changes Amendments in Electricity Laws, Regulations and Policies of SAC for Promoting CBET in SA Region

South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration (SARI/EI) a program of USAID being implemented by IRADe aims to “Promote integration of Energy Systems and o enhance Cross-Border Electricity Trade (CBET) among the South Asian countries.


Competitive Bidding Framework in India

Competitive Bidding Framework in India

Incomplete Works, including any shortfall in Contracted Capacity or Station Heat Rate, to be completed within 180 days. For further delay, Damages for each day at the lower of 0.1% of the Performance Security and 0.2% of the cost of completing such items as estimated by the Utility’s Representative.


Ravi Shankar Bangladesh Workshop of IRADe 2104016

Ravi Shankar Bangladesh Workshop of IRADe 2104016

Provided that such open access may be allowed before the cross subsidies are eliminated, on payment of surcharge in addition to the charges for wheeling as may be determined by the State Commission.


Brief report on the workshop on Power Markets Development

At the bequest of Power Divison (under MPEMR), the workshop was held to share the lessons and learning from the volution of Indian Power Sector covering key laws, policies and regulations, besides the role of Transmission Agencies and Power Exchanges in the development of Indian Power Market. The workshop was held at Mukti Hall, Bidyut Babhan (Power Cell premises, Power Division), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 21st April 2016.



TOR-Scope of Work on developing the Model framework guidelines for Trading License Regime in SAC and for CBET

The BEA issues licenses and monitors the performance of the licensees to ensure compliance with the provisions of Acts, Regulations, Standards, Codes, etc., For instance, the Bhutan Electricity Authority (BEA) has granted license to Dagachhu Hydropower Corporation Limited (or Licensee) to carry out the activities of construction, generation, supply, and export.



Agenda -Power Market Development in India Key Lessons Learnt – Bangladesh workshop

Indian Power system for planning and operational purposes is divided into five regional grids. The integration of regional grids, and thereby the establishment of a national grid, was conceptualized in the early nineties



TOR-Scope of Work on developing the Model framework guidelines for non-discriminatory open access regime in Transmission in SAC and for CBET

In CBET, non-discriminatory access to their respective transmission systems increases opportunities for any party to sell/buy electricity at a cost-reflective fee and to take advantage of the load and time diversity and contribute to better utilization of resources.


Pilot Market

Pilot Market

Many analysts have recognized the value of development of power exchange and related market mechanism to enhance Cross border Electricity Trade (CBET) among the South Asian Nations.



Brief Report on SARIEI Technical Delegation to Bangladesh on the Study on Harmonization of Grid Codes

Operating an integrated electricity grid in South Asia is essentially a technical, operational and coordination issue and there is a need for harmonizing/coordination of the technical rules, standards, grid codes and operating procedures.


Framework Guidelines for Harmonization of grid codes

Framework Guidelines for Harmonization of grid codes

With High Level of Cross Border Interconnection being envisaged, it is obvious that for safe, reliable and stable operation of the interconnected transmission system, the various technical aspects of grid codes, operating procedures and standards needs to be harmonized/coordinated.


Harmonization of grid codes in South Asia

Harmonization of grid codes in South Asia

Review of the Grid Codes of the respective South Asia nations covering procedures/codes/standards such as Power system operating procedures, protection code, metering code, connection code, planning code, system security, demand estimation systems, outage planning, recovery procedures etc.



Brief Report on SARI-EI Technical Delegation to Bangladesh

There are already CBET between India Bhutan ,India -Nepal India-Bangladesh.These CBET trades are bi-lateral nd limited in transaction vis the huge CBET potential that exists in the SAR



Regional Regulatory Guidelines & Harmonization of Grid Codes, Operating Procedures, Standards for promoting Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia Region

The guidelines deal only with limited areas where need for such common guidelines has been felt by the SAC and are not meant to be comprehensively dealing with all matters related to CBET.


Ei technical

Brief Report on SARI/EI Delegation to Bhutan to meet and discuss with critical stakeholders such as Bhutan Electricity Authority, Bhutan Power Corporation, Bhutan Power System Operator and Department of Hydro Power System, Ministry of Economic Affairs on the SARI/EI Task Force- 2 Study on “Harmonization of grid codes, operating procedures and standards to facilitate/promote Cross Border Electricity Trade in the South Asia Region”

In order to bridge the demand, supply gap, Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) has emerged as viable and economical option and various steps are being taken in advancing CBET in the South Asian Region (SAR)



Brief report on SARIEI Technical Delegation visit to Thimpu, Bhutan

There has been an unprecedented growth in electricity demand in South Asian countries in the last decade. All South Asian countries are looking for alternate ways to meet this ever growing demand of electricity as this is the backbone of the economies of South Asian Countries (SAC).



Brief Report on SARI/EI Delegation to the Second Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators for Presenting on the SARI/EI studies a) Regional Regulatory Guidelines and b)Harmonization of Grid Codes, Standards and Operating Procedures for Promoting Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia

Key Findings of the SARI/EI Study on a) Harmonization of Grid Codes, Operating Procedures, Standards for promoting Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia Region and b) Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs) were presented during the meeting. Members acknowledged and appreciated the work being carried out by SARI/EI.


brief report

Brief Report on SARI-EI Delegation to the 2nd Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators

There was a consensus among the members to create a Regional Regulatory Institutional Mechanism and members agreed to create a Forum of South Asia Energy (Electricity) Regulators.



Review of SARI-EI activities, Key Findings of Demand Driven studies & Key Achievements in the year 2015-16

5th Meeting of Project Steering Committee-Maitland State Room Mount Lavinia Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka 9th and 10th November,2016



Annual Work Plan for 2016-2017 and Strategies for synthesis of SARI-EI recommendations-Preparation of Combined task force Report

5th Meeting of Project Steering Committee-Maitland State Room Mount Lavinia Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka 9th and 10th November,2016



Overview of SARI/EI program, key achievements & way forward-USEA Training Program on Techno-economic Hydro Power Project Appraisal NPTI

5th December 2016 , Workshops & Conferences



Regional Regulatory Guidelines for Promoting Cross-Border Electricity Trade in South Asia

Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia is currently being undertaken in the form of bilateral trade and is limited between India-Nepal; India-Bangladesh; and India-Bhutan. The SACs envisages a manifold increase in the quantum of Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) by the end of next decade.There is a need to have Common/Coordinated set of Regulations, Policies and Legal Framework which addresses the mechanism of interconnection, recognizes the CBET, Open access to transmission Network, licensing, dispute resolution, etc. The above necessitate establishment of Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs) in the form of common regulations, rules and protocols in technical, operational



Shaping modern India’s power systems

Renewable energy (RE) generation in India has been on a steady rise. Ensuring the power system’s reliability in the face of increased RE penetration is critical



Training Manual for Energy Efficiency Financing in India

BEE and USAID PACE-D TA Program disclaim liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory on this document.



Detailed Project Report for MPUVNL: Centralized Monitoring Centre for Off-Grid Systems

The USAID PACE-D TA Program is assisting Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (MPUVNL) to set up a Centralised Monitoring Centre (CMC) system to effectively monitor the various off-grid solar PV systems installed in the state.
