Brief Summary Report on Release of BIMSTEC Energy Outlook 2030 in the BIMSTEC Conference.
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Bangladesh
Brief Summary Report on Release of BIMSTEC Energy Outlook 2030 in the BIMSTEC Conference.

Brief Summary Report on The 6th SAARC Business Leaders Conclave-2018 in Partnership with SARI-EI-IRADe
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Nepal
SARI/EI partnered with SAARC Chamber of Commerce in the 6th SAARC Business Leaders Conclave -2018 held at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Kathmandu, Nepal from 16th-18th Marchâ2018

Press Release-Power Trade Will Benefit Bangladesh and India, finds USAID-SARI-EI Report-Dhaka
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Bangladesh
The report discusses the benefits of power trade between Bangladesh and India and will provide policy directions to the Government of Bangladesh.

Post Event Press Release_in Neplali-Economic Benefits from Nepal-India Electricity Trade
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2017
- Country : Nepal
Post Event Press Release in Neplali-Economic Benefits from Nepal-India Electricity Trade

SARI-EI-IRADe to provide Technical and Knowledge support/assistance to SAFIR Working Group on âRegulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asiaâ under USAIDâs SARI-EI Program
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
SARI-EI-IRADe to provide Technical and Knowledge support/assistance to SAFIR Working Group on âRegulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asiaâ under USAIDâs SARI-EI Program

Approved Terms of Reference Of South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) Working Group On âRegulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asiaâ
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
The SAFIR Working Group will work towards enhancing Regulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, – addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asia-to -facilitate -transparent regulatory framework, -promoting investment in the South Asia Region.

Model Transmission Service Agreement for Cross-Border Electricity Trade
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
The terms used in this Agreement as defined hereunder shall have the same meaning as assign to them herein.

Model POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT for Cross-Border Electricity Trade (CBET) Between Seller (New Hydro Generator) & Procurer
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), or electricity power agreement, is a contract between power seller (generator may be) and power off taker/buyers (utilities). It defines all the commercial terms (includes CoD, schedule for delivery of electricity, penalties for under delivery,payment terms, and termination), for the trade of electricity between two parties.

Executive Summary Report -Economic Benefits of Bangladesh-India Electricity Trade
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Bangladesh
This study was undertaken through a consultative process that involved stakeholder consultations and workshops in Bangladesh and India. The various stakeholder consultations undertaken for this study:

Utility Centric Business Model for Solar Rooftop Projects
- Sector : Renewable Energy
- Program Name : PACE-D
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
This report to focus on the different utility-centric business models for scaling rooftop solar in India.

Release of PPA & TSA, TF-3 meeting PPT
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Release of PPA & TSA, TF-3 meeting PPT

Session 2 Basics of Power Exchange
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Session 2 Basics of Power Exchange Ray 17.01.2018

SARPEX PPT – 6th PSC meeting
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
SARPEX PPT – 6th PSC meeting-Mr. Ray

NREL March2018 SARI meeting
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
NREL March2018 SARI meeting-David Palchak

Economic Benefits of Nepal-India-Bangladesh Electricity Trade
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Economic Benefits of Nepal-India-Bangladesh Electricity Trade-Dr. K Parikh

Overview of SARIEI Program,Progress ,Key Findings of various Studies, achievements, Annual Work Plan and Way forward
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Overview of SARIEI Program,Progress ,Key Findings of various Studies, achievements, Annual Work Plan and Way forward-V K Kharbanda & Rajiv Ratna Panda

- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia

SARPEX Mock Exercise Day Ahead Market ( DAM) in the South Asian Region
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
SARPEX Mock Exercise Day Ahead Market ( DAM) in the South Asian Region-Mr. S.K. Ray, Technical Specialist, SARI/EI, IRADe and Mr. Gaurav Jain, Sr. Research Analyst, SARI/EI, IRADe

All Presentations -First Meeting of SAFIR Working Group on âRegulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asiaâ
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Sri Lanka
All Presentations -First Meeting of SAFIR Working Group on âRegulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asiaâ 15th-16th May, 2018, Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo, Sri Lanka

All Presentations-Technical Visit to the Office of Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Sri Lanka
All Presentations-Technical Visit to the Office of Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka by the Memberâs of South Asia Forum For Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) Working Group

Plenary Address on “Trans-Regional Energy Connectivity Between the ASEAN Power Grid and the South-Asia Power Grid: Prospects and Opportunities”
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Plenary Address on “Trans-Regional Energy Connectivity Between the ASEAN Power Grid and the South-Asia Power Grid: Prospects and Opportunities” Rajiv Ratna Panda-22 â 23 May 2018 Vientiane, the Lao Peopleâs Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)

URJA VICHAR MANCH program on 30th May 2018, New Delhi, India-South Asian Regional Power Exchange (SARPEX)Mock Exercise
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
URJA VICHAR MANCH program on 30th May 2018, New Delhi, India-South Asian Regional Power Exchange (SARPEX)Mock Exercise

Policy Brief : South Asian Regional Power Exchange (SARPEX)
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
The South Asian Region (SAR) has significant amount of complementaries in the areas of energy resources, demand and supply variaon throughout the day, weekends, weekdays and seasons. Moreover, there will also be opportunies of generaon cost opmizaon even when there is no actual deficiency of power.

Policy Brief : Electricity Trade in the BBIN Region: Economic benefits and Technological Implications
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Countries in the South Asia region, some of the poorest in the world, have low levels of per capita electricity consumpon. In 2012, it was 119 kWh in Nepal (WDI, 2015), when only 76.3 per cent of its populaon had access to electricity. In India, per capita electricity consumpon in 2013â14 was 957 kWh with about 21.3per cent of its populaon without access to electricity in 2012.

Policy Brief : Socio-economic benefits of Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Globally, 1.3 billion people are without access to electricity, of which around 338 million are in South Asia. Energy poverty is one of the key reasons for the lack of economic development and low gross domesc product (GDP) in South Asia.

Policy Brief : Framework for Trading License Regime to facilitate Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia Region
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
In the last few decades, Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asian region have become more established, with the quantum of trade also seeing an increasing trend. For some countries, CBET has become a crucial revenue source to aid in the overall economic growth of the country; while for some other countries, CBET has become a necessary tool to de over energy shortages.

Policy Brief : Harmonization of Grid Codes, Operating Procedures and Standards to Facilitate/Promote Cross-Border Electricity Trade in the South Asia Region
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Grid code is a technical document containing rules, procedures, guidelines, criteria and responsibilies to be complied by the users, owners and operators of the transmission system of a country. Grid codes are approved by a regulatory body in exercise of powers conferred to it under the relevant electricity act/legislaon.

Policy Brief : Non-Discriminatory Open Access Policy and Regulatory Framework for promoting Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : South Asia
Nonâdiscriminatory OA in simple refers to the possibility of any enty, be it a buyer or seller of electricity, to connect to and make use of the transmission and/or distribuon system on the payment of costâreflecve service charges. This is subject to system availability and network constraints, regardless of the ownership of power system.

Assessment of Socio-Economic Benefits of CBET
- Sector : Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Bangladesh
Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe) is the implementing partner of the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration (SARI/EI) programme supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Impact of CBET on livelihoods and Gender in Nepal and Bhutan
- Sector : Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Program Name : SARI/EI
- Year : 2018
- Country : Nepal
This study is made possible by the support of American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of this study do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID of the United States Government.