Indian Railways Global Ceiling Fan Competition      ||      Clean Energy Investment Facilitation Platform      ||      South Asia Clean Energy Forum (SACEF) 2024      ||      Inviting applications for the SAREP Grants Annual Program Statement (APS) – FY2024. For more information click Here.
Opportunities: I. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Bhutan Power System Operator (BPSO) e-Monitoring Digitalization Solution. For more information click here. Last date: January 20, 2025.      ||      II. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Provide Technical Services to Support the Saturation of Government Buildings with Rooftop Solar in Haryana. For more information click here. Last date: February 7, 2025.


The paper captures global experiences in successful large-scale RE procurement designs such as time-based incentives and penalties,virtual hybrids and locational signals.

April 29, 2022
White Paper on System-Friendly Competitive Procurement for Renewable Energy in India

White Paper on System-Friendly Competitive Procurement for Renewable Energy in India

The paper captures global experiences in successful large-scale RE procurement designs such as time-based incentives and penalties,virtual hybrids and locational signals.
April 29, 2022
Recommendations for Model Regulations: Regulatory Framework for Resource Planning

White Paper on Rethinking DISCOM Resource Planning – in Renewable Energy Rich Environment

This white paper analyzes the current state of resource planning, draws lessons from renewable energy-rich countries and makes recommendations to improve resource planning at DISCOMs
April 23, 2022
The Surat Emissions Trading Scheme

The Surat Emissions Trading Scheme: A First Look at the World’s First Particulate Trading System

In the coming years, India must meet the twin challenges of achieving rapid economic growth and cleaning up the environment. To do so, India needs environmental regulation that is highly effective while imposing minimal costs on industry.
April 23, 2022
The Consequences of Treating Electricity as a Right

The Consequences of Treating Electricity as a Right

High-income countries take electricity for granted: people know the lights will switch on twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.
April 23, 2022
Demand for Electricity in a Poor Economy

Demand for Electricity in a Poor Economy

Over a billion people do not have electricity and many others have abysmal power supply. Innovation has cut the price of solar photovoltaic panels to that point that off-grid solar power can compete with traditional, grid electrification to light the homes of the rural poor.
April 22, 2022

Regional Collaboratives for Climate Change – A State of the Art

Over the past decade, a new form of networking for local climate change action has emerged at the metro-regional scale within the United States.
April 22, 2022

Partnership to Advance Clean Energy Deployment (PACE-D 2.0) Technical Assistance Program

Overview of the PACE-D 2.0 TA Program, it’s components and activities.
April 20, 2022
Solar Inverters

Reactive Power Control Strategies for Solar Inverters to Increase the Penetration Level of RE in Power Grid

The active power distribution network operation with the integration of variable renewable energy sources, storage units, and dynamic loads are attracting a lot of interest due to substantial benefits in maximizing the penetration of RES. However, the risk of voltage violation in the power system is increased due to increasing the penetration of DGs/RES [1]-[3].
April 20, 2022
Development of Mechanisms to Incentivize Inter-State Exchange of Renewable Energy

Development of Mechanisms to Incentivize Inter-State Exchange of Renewable Energy

India’s Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs) target aims to ensure that at least 40 per cent of its electric power installed capacity in 2030 would come from non-fossil based energy resources.
April 14, 2022

OPENING MARKETS, DESIGNING WINDOWS, AND CLOSING GATES India’s Power System Transition – Insights on Gate Closure

This report explores the concept of gate closure, the time at which market participants must submit their final bids and offers for electricity.Report analyzes global experiences with gate closure, and then reviews the unique benefits, challenges, and other considerations that will impact the implementation of gate closure in the Indian electricity market.
April 14, 2022

GRID-FRIENDLY RENEWABLE ENERGY Solar and Wind Participation in Automatic Generation Control Systems

This reports provides a brief overview of Automatic Generation Control System (AGC); reviews current experiences of solar and wind generators on AGC; describes market rules, regulations, and contractual mechanisms for enabling solar and wind generators to participate in AGC systems; reviews metering and communications equipment necessary to integrate solar and wind power plants with AGC systemsand concludes with a discussion of key messages and takeaways.
April 13, 2022
Combined Brief-SARI-EI Inception Meetings in Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri lanka-Key Action Points

Combined Brief-SARI-EI Inception Meetings in Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri lanka-Key Action Points

SARI/EI/IRADe participation in the South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation Regulators (SAFIR) Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) held on 22nd November 2018 at Taj Tashi, Thimphu, Bhutan and SARI/EI/IRADe meeting with Bhutan Stakeholders for gathering support and cooperation for extended Phase of SARI/EI Program on 23rd November 2018.
April 13, 2022

Electricity for peace and development: South Asian grid connectivity is an idea whose time has come by Dr. Jyoti Parikh, ED,IRADe

Electricity for peace and development: South Asian grid connectivity is an idea whose time has come by Dr. Jyoti Parikh, ED,IRADe
April 10, 2022

South Asian Energy Regulators Exchange: Towards Institutionalizing a Regional Electricity Regulators’ Forum

Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe), under the The USAID SARI/EI program organized a "South Asian Electricity Regulators' Exchange: Towards Institutionalizing a Regional Energy Regulators’ Forum" on 16th and 17th December in Delhi, comprising Chairpersons, members and senior delegates from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
April 9, 2022

International Experiences on Power Pools and Markets

International Experiences on Power Pools and Markets by by Pankaj Batra, Senior Advisor, SARI/EI- IRADe & Gaurav Jain, Senior Research Analyst, SARI/EI- IRADe