Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia is currently being undertaken in the form of bilateral trade and is limited between India-Nepal; India-Bangladesh; and India-Bhutan. The SACs envisages a manifold increase in the quantum of Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) by the end of next decade.There is a need to have Common/Coordinated set of Regulations, Policies and Legal Framework which addresses the mechanism of interconnection, recognizes the CBET, Open access to transmission Network, licensing, dispute resolution, etc. The above necessitate establishment of Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs) in the form of common regulations, rules and protocols in technical, operational and legal matters for promoting CBET in the South Asian Region. This report focuses only on the Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs). The RRGs aims to 1) establish transparent regulatory environment to promote CBET 2) to provide a common course of action that can be referred for decision making on CBET by the electricity/energy Regulators in their respective countries 3) to ensure consistency in the transactions and remove delays on account of unclear and complicated regulatory regimes applicable to such transactions.i