Indian Railways Global Ceiling Fan Competition      ||      Clean Energy Investment Facilitation Platform      ||      South Asia Clean Energy Forum (SACEF) 2024      ||      Inviting applications for the SAREP Grants Annual Program Statement (APS) – FY2024. “[ON HOLD]: In light of the recent Executive Order titled “Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid” signed by President Trump on January 20, 2025, the South Asia Regional Energy Program (SAREP) Project has been placed in a “Stop Work” status by USAID. As a result, this solicitation is currently on hold until further notice. RTI cannot receive or answer any questions or accept bids at this time. Please check back at a later date for updates.” For more information click Here.
Opportunities: I. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Bhutan Power System Operator (BPSO) e-Monitoring Digitalization Solution. For more information click here. Last date: February 10, 2025.      ||      II. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Provide Technical Services to Support the Saturation of Government Buildings with Rooftop Solar in Haryana. For more information click here. Last date: February 7, 2025.


December 26, 2021

Regional Regulatory Guidelines for Promoting Cross-Border Electricity Trade in South Asia

Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia is currently being undertaken in the form of bilateral trade and is limited between India-Nepal; India-Bangladesh; and India-Bhutan. The SACs envisages a manifold increase in the quantum of Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) by the end of next decade.There is a need to have Common/Coordinated set of Regulations, Policies and Legal Framework which addresses the mechanism of interconnection, recognizes the CBET, Open access to transmission Network, licensing, dispute resolution, etc. The above necessitate establishment of Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs) in the form of common regulations, rules and protocols in technical, operational and legal matters for promoting CBET in the South Asian Region. This report focuses only on the Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs). The RRGs aims to 1) establish transparent regulatory environment to promote CBET 2) to provide a common course of action that can be referred for decision making on CBET by the electricity/energy Regulators in their respective countries 3) to ensure consistency in the transactions and remove delays on account of unclear and complicated regulatory regimes applicable to such transactions.i
December 21, 2021

Shaping modern India’s power systems

Renewable energy (RE) generation in India has been on a steady rise. Ensuring the power system’s reliability in the face of increased RE penetration is critical
December 20, 2021

Training Manual for Energy Efficiency Financing in India

BEE and USAID PACE-D TA Program disclaim liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory on this document.
December 20, 2021

Detailed Project Report for MPUVNL: Centralized Monitoring Centre for Off-Grid Systems

The USAID PACE-D TA Program is assisting Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (MPUVNL) to set up a Centralised Monitoring Centre (CMC) system to effectively monitor the various off-grid solar PV systems installed in the state.
December 20, 2021

Solar Rooftop Evaluation Tool

Tool aimed to assist banks and financial institutions in identifying the key risks associated with the solar rooftop projects and help them make informed credit decisions. 
December 20, 2021
PACE Newsletter

PACE Newsletter

Newsletter on the U.S.-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) providing highlights of key activities in India for the period November 2014 – January 2015.
December 20, 2021

PACE Newsletter

Newsletter on the U.S.-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy (PACE) providing highlights of key activities in India for the period March 2015 – June 2015.
December 2, 2021

Regional Regulatory Guidelines and Regional Regulatory Institutional Mechanism

Regional Regulatory Guidelines is one of the outcome of the TF-1 study on Review of Electricity Laws, Policies and Regulatory framework of SAC to identify critical requirements of CBET and recommend changes/amendments therein for consideration of the SA countries.
December 2, 2021
study harmonization

Harmonization of grid codes, operating procedures and standards to facilitate/promote cross border electricity trade in the south Asia region

With Such High Level of Cross Border Interconnection being envisaged, it is obvious that for safe, reliable and stable operation of the interconnected transmission system, the various technical aspects of grid codes, operating procedures and standards needs to be harmonized/coordinated.
December 2, 2021

Harmonization of grid codes, operating procedures and standards to facilitate& promote CBET in the south Asia region

Grid Code details the rules, procedures, guidelines, criteria and responsibilities to be complied with by the users, owners and operators of the transmission system of a country.
December 2, 2021

SARI/EI and Key Activities Undertaken and Way Forward

International experiences suggesting a strong and robust regional regulatory institutional mechanism for harmonization and coordination of regulations.
December 2, 2021
draft presentation

Draft interim findings of the Task Force 2 study on “Assessment of the Electricity Trading Potential of South Asian countries”

To identify the electricity trading potential of the South Asian nations (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan) over a period of next 20 years by reviewing the existing long term Demand-Supply projections of the participating countries.
December 2, 2021

Draft findings of the Task Force 2 study on “Harmonization of grid codes, operating procedures and standards to facilitate/promote Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia”

Interconnection between thermal based systems and hydro systems allows the surplus hydro production to be fully utilized and also “firms up” the hydro system capacity in times of drought.
December 2, 2021

Task Force 3 Road Map for establishing the “South Asian Regional Electricity Market

The Core objective of the SARI/EI Program is to promote integration of Energy System and enhance Cross border Electricity Trade (CBET) among the South Asian Nations.
December 2, 2021
task force

Draft report (As-is scenario) findings of the Task Force 3 study on “Assessment and recommendation of commercial terms and conditions for CBET and suggesting the model of Power Exchange in South Asia

Transmission licensee shall submit proposal to regulatory commission to procure power from any new generation plant or for expansion of generation capacity from existing plant based on future demand forecast specified in Least Cost Long Term Generation Expansion Plan.