Inviting applications for the SAREP Grants Annual Program Statement (APS) – FY2024. For more information click Here.
Opportunities: I. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Carry out a study to identify the CBET Potential of South Asian (SA) nations over the next 20 years (2024-2044). For more information click here. Last date: August 13, 2024.      ||      II. Request for Proposal (RFP) – Development of a web and desktop application for Cybersecurity Posture Assessment Tool (CPAT). For more information click here. Last date: July 30, 2024.

Regional Power Trade and Markets

December 18, 2023
guidance bhutan

Guidance note for Bhutan to trade in Indian power exchange

Bhutan procured electricity for the first time through the Indian Power Exchange in January 2022 to meet its power shortage. This exposure to the market-based electricity trading necessitated the concerned power sector agencies in Bhutan to work in a coordinated manner to place the bids and procure power through the Indian Power Exchange.
October 4, 2023

Integrted power exchange transaction model for dispatch, scheduling & bidding (IMDSB)

Bhutan, the land of Gross National Happiness, is also renowned for being a carbon-neutral nation and for contributing to cross-border electricity trade in the South Asia Region. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been a long-term partner of Bhutan in its journey as a regional power market player.
August 24, 2023

SAFIR-SAREP Annual Conference (2023) Proceedings: Deepening Cross Border Electricity Trade and Regional Electricity Market Development for Sustainable Energy in the south Asia region

The South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) was established in May 1999. SAFIR aims at providing high quality capacity building and training on infrastructure regulation & related topics, in South Asia and to stimulate research on the subject by building a network of regional and international institutions & individuals that are active in the field.
July 11, 2023

Presentation on Electricity Generation Planning and Perspective for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade – Bangladesh Perspective

Bangladesh has surplus power during winter season which can Export to neighboring countries during winter seasons.
July 11, 2023

Presentation on Electricity Generation Planning in Bhutan and perspectives for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia – Bhutan Perspective

The Parties shall institute a Joint Steering Committee (JSC) co-chaired by Power Secretaries and a Joint Working Group (JWG) co-chaired by Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/Director General of the concerned Ministries of the two countries to take forward the identified areas of cooperation in the energy sector.
July 11, 2023

Presentation on Electricity Generation Planning in South Asian Countries and perspectives for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia – India Perspectives

To obtain an optimal generation capacity mix in the least cost manner to meet the demand at every instance of time while ensuring the most efficient use of resources.
July 11, 2023

Presentation on Overview of Generation Planning in Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Perspective

Identifying the most suitable generating capacity mix and required grid support interventions to meet the forecasted demand for electricity at lowest economic cost while meeting the reliability requirements and declared sector specific policies of the government as required under law.
July 7, 2023

Presentation on Clean Energy Transition in South Asia Current Scenario and Future Outlook – South Asia Perspective

Presentation on Clean Energy Transition in South Asia Current Scenario and Future Outlook - South Asia Perspective
June 27, 2023

Presentation on Electricity Transmission Planning in South Asian Countries and perspectives for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia – Bhutan Perspectives

There is immediate need of 400kV interconnecting feeders with India from Eastern Bhutan, in addition to existing 132kV line
June 27, 2023

Presentation on Electricity Transmission Planning in South Asian Countries and Perspective for Clean Energy Transition through Regional Grid Interconnections – India Perspectives

As per provision of Electricity (Planning, Development and Recovery of ISTS charges) Rules 2021 , the CTU shall also prepare a five-year rolling plan for ISTS capacity addition every year.
June 27, 2023

Presentation on Transmission Planning in India and Perspectives for clean energy transition and advancing Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia – India Perspectives

Central Electricity Authority has been mandated to prepare the National Electricity Plan (NEP) in accordance with the National Electricity Policy and notify such plan once in five years.
June 27, 2023

Presentation on Transmission System Expansion Planning Context of Clean Energy Transition and Cross Border Power Link – Nepal Perspectives

Identify and develop a robust, reliable and secure Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) network to evacuate and transmit the power for meeting local demand and cross border export.
June 27, 2023

Presentation on Transmission Planning in Sri Lanka Prospects for Clean Energy Transition and Cross Border Energy Trade – Sri Lanka Perspectives

Brief overview about the Transmission Planning Framework – Legal, Regulatory, Policy. The Long Term Transmission Development Plan of Sri Lanka and Proposed India – Sri Lanka Interconnection.
June 27, 2023

Presentation on International Experiences and Best Practices in Regional Power System Planning and Developing Regional Institutional Mechanism – Global Perspectives

Presentation on International Experiences and Best Practices in Regional Power System Planning and Developing Regional Institutional Mechanism - Global Perspectives
June 22, 2023

Presentation on Opportunity and challenges for developing regional planning approach to Meet the clean energy transitions plans through Coordinated, Complementary Electricity Generation and Transmission Planning and integrated system operation in South Asian Countries and suggestions and way forward – Bhutan Perspectives

A comprehensive, integrated and holistic road map for the construction of common power evacuation networks and pooling substations including system strengthening.