Wind capacity in India has evolved over the last two decades. As of May 2022, the country had 40 GW capacity installed. Repowering older wind turbines with newer, more efficient, and higher capacity turbines, presents an opportunity to augment wind capacity and enhance resource utilization. States like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra have some of the best sites that are currently underutilized. However, repowering faces several hurdles such as lack of incentives, scattered ownership, and the absence of a clear business case.
SAREP is assessing potential sites for repowering, developing business models and schemes for procurement and recommending policy options. SAREP is working with MNRE on designing a wind repowering policy and schemes for uptake of repowering. SAREP’s analysis shows a potential of up to 4 times increase in the annual electricity generation, while the capacity utilization factor can increase by more than two times. A repowering policy will create a market for larger and more efficient wind turbines, inviting new investments and creation of green jobs.