Knowledge Library Sector - Transmission and System Operation
- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2020
- South Asia
Successful 9PM, 9 minutes event Highlights the Outstanding Cooperation in Electricity Grid Management in South Asia
The “#9pm9minute” candle light event on 3rd April demonstrated both the high resilience of the Indian Grid, as well as the unique level of..
- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2020
- South Asia
Brief Report on SARI-EI Participation in the Fourth Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators
Based on the invitation received from SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu, Nepal, SARI/EI Delegation comprising of Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Technical-Head, SARI/EI/IRADe participated in the 4th..
- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2020
- South Asia
Brief of Session: Roundtable on Interconnection of Regional Grids in Asia
The Roundtable was organized jointly with USAID’s South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration (SARI/EI) program and Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe),..
- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2020
- South Asia
Prospects of Regional Energy Cooperation and Cross border Energy Trade in the BIMSTEC region
The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a regional orgranization comprising seven Member Stats lying in the littoral..
- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2020
- Bangladesh
Minutes of Meeting- Second Meeting of SAFIR Working Group
SAFIR Working Group Members from Bangladesh, Bhutan and India made country presentations on their
respective country’s existing energy /electricity regulatory framework and presented their perspective..
Events Sector - Transmission and System Operation
- Renewable Energy
- 12/06/2020
- India
On June 12, 2020, U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Partnership to Enhance Clean Energy Deployment 2.0 Renewable Energy (PACE-D 2.0 RE) program hosted..
- Renewable Energy
- 18/06/2020
- India
The economics of renewable energy-based generation, coupled with innovative technologies, have been growing more favorable, primarily due to changing market fundamentals. Realizing the opportunities..
- Renewable Energy
- 25/02/2021
- India
The webinar will initially focus on building awareness of stakeholders on trending issues related to electric mobility. It will also create awareness of the..
- Renewable Energy
- 16/02/2021
USAID Bangladesh is organizing this event to showcase USAID’s new and ongoing efforts to drive clean energy development in Bangladesh…
- Renewable Energy
- 29/01/2021
USAID is building the analytical and modelling capabilities of DISCOMs to conduct strategic energy planning (SEP) systematically and data-driven, especially for a renewable rich..