Date: 19th July 2017 , 6th Task Force-1 Meeting on Coordination of Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework –19th-20th July’ 2017-Peace Pagoda Hall, Hotel Water Front Resort, Pokhara, Nepal, Workshops & Conferences
Release of Report On “Harmonization of Grid Codes, Operating Procedures and Standards to Facilitate/Promote Cross-Border Electricity Trad, Workshops & Conferences
The mock exercise results will provide the desired inputs for the decision makers in selecting a suitable option for market design. This will also give clarity about the identity of the buyers and sellers in such a Regional Exchange.
Further, the quantum of electricity that can be traded under cross border trade for electricity in Indian Power Exchanges shall be prescribed from time to time by the Designated Authority.
The mock exercise is based on the Unconstrained Market Clearing Principle. However, the availability of inter-country transmission lines has been duly taken into consideration in the preparation of bids for BBN
Policy intervention of Indian Govt . and regulatory framework needs to be updated accordingly. Necessary amendment for this regulation is required before finalization of the document.
This paper provides field evidence from India examining changes in electricity consumption in response to various behavioral interventions. I study the impact of (i) weekly reports with peer comparisons of electricity use; (ii) reports augmented with monetary incentives to reduce consumption and (iii) price variation.
Decades back, Dr. R. Buckminister Fuller proposed interconnecting regional power system into a single, continuous world-wide electric energy grid as a number one solution to solve many of the world’s pressing problems.