Knowledge Library Sector - Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- PACE-D 2.0
- 2019
- South Asia
White Paper on Rethinking DISCOM Resource Planning – in Renewable Energy Rich Environment
This white paper analyzes the current state of resource planning, draws lessons from renewable energy-rich countries and makes recommendations to improve resource planning at..
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 2019
- South Asia
OPENING MARKETS, DESIGNING WINDOWS, AND CLOSING GATES India’s Power System Transition – Insights on Gate Closure
This report explores the concept of gate closure, the time at which market participants must submit their final bids and offers for electricity.Report analyzes..
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 2018
- South Asia
Smart Grid – Towards an Intelligent Future
This report provides a consolidated overview of Model Regulations, Pilot Projects, Capacity Building and support for the Implementation Framework for the National Smart Grid..
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 2018
- South Asia
Insights from Pilot Projects for Scaling up Smart Grid in India
This report documents the insights which would help the stakeholders in avoiding implementation bottleneck and improving project efficiency…
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 2018
- India
AVVNL Smart Grid Pilot Project Case Study
The USAID PACE-D TA Program assisted Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. (AVVNL) to demonstrate the benefits of select Smart Grid functionalities on a pilot..