Knowledge Library Sector - Financing
Events Sector - Financing
- 20/09/2022
- India
Gender and Inclusion experts from USAID programs in South Asia and Southeast Asia and the World Bank show cased the gaps and solutions that..
- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 24/08/2022
- India
Distribution utilities are the sole bread earner for entire value chain of power sector. The revenue recovered by distribution utilities is the revenue passed..
- LiFE
- 24/08/2022
- India
USAID SAREP hosted a roundtable with other development partners on August 24, 2022, to discuss how Indian cities are preparing to become Net Zero..
- E-Mobility
- 22/08/2022
- India
USAID SAREP organized a stakeholder consultation titled `EV Financing – Opportunities and Challenges’on August 22, 2022 in New Delhi. The event was conducted in partnership with..
- Renewable Energy
- 03/08/2022
- India
A brochure has been developed to introduce a training being planned for Indian Railways. This brochure, which can be accessed in THIS LINK…