Ms. Namrata Mukherjee
Chief of Party — (Trade & Investments), SAREP
Ms. Mukherjee has several years of experience in marquee organizations across policy and regulatory affairs in the power sector, commercial and market related aspects of (a) Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, (b) Renewable Energy including solar, wind, small hydro and biomass technologies (c) Energy Efficiency and (d) Climate Change. Her areas of expertise include:
1) Electricity Sector – Competition, Regulation, Reforms, Tariff Setting – South Asia and South East Asia.
2) Renewable Energy based Generation – Policy and Regulatory Aspects like Tariffs, Quotas and Green Certificate Mechanisms: Europe, USA, and South East Asia Country Experience
3) CDM and Climate Policy – Kyoto Mechanisms, UNFCCC Methodologies, PDD Writing, Carbon Markets, including knowledge on EU-ETS, Joint Implementation and other Climate change related regulatory and policy issues.