Green hydrogen serves as a crucial tool for decarbonizing challenging industries like chemicals, agriculture, steel, and mobility which are historically hard to decarbonize, presenting a transformative opportunity for South Asian countries.
National Green Hydrogen Mission Outline
The Government of India has launched the Green Hydrogen Mission. The mission’s objective is to make India the global hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. It will contribute to India’s aim to become Aatmanirbhar through clean energy and serve as an inspiration for the global Clean Energy Transition. The Mission will lead to significant decarbonization of the economy, reduced dependence on fossil fuel imports, and enable India to assume technology and market leadership in Green Hydrogen.
Key Interventions
- Policy Implementation & Support
- Techno- commercial Studies
- Outreach and Awareness
- Access to Finance
- Skill Gap Assessment of priority job roles in Green Hydrogen for Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ)
- Designed & launched the Green Hydrogen Roadmap for Sri Lanka
- Designed a scheme for providing subsidies & incentives for the upcoming Gujarat Green Hydrogen Policy
- Developed a critical GoO (Guarantee of Origin ) mechanism for certification of Hydrogen as Green
- Conducting feasibility studies for the production of green ammonia to decarbonize the fertilizer industry
- Utilizing biogenic and electrolysis pathways to estimate the production cost of green methanol for the shipping industry
- Producing green hydrogen for Leh using rooftop solar power and wastewater
- Building knowledge of South Asian countries through South Asia Clean Energy Forum (SACEF) 2023 – A regional energy forum
- South Asia master class on Green Hydrogen with Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ)
- Launched a Green Hydrogen Investment Landscape Report
- Organized Awareness Workshop on Green Hydrogen for Financial Institutions with 97 participants from 18 banks/Financial Institutions