Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) manages power transmission, builds stations and power lines, and maintains high-voltage substations in Karnataka. Committed to clean energy and sustainability their focus areas are renewable energy integration, grid modernization, and energy efficiency. USAID’s South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) program provides technical support to their various modernization initiatives, including transmission network assessments, facilitating green hydrogen production, and integrating renewable energy. This collaboration focuses on enhancing the planning and operational capabilities of Karnataka’s transmission utilities and system operators.
On May 9th, 2024, Ms. Veena Reddy, USAID’s Mission Director for India and Bhutan, visited the State Load Dispatch Center (SLDC) of the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL). The aim of the visit was to review the progress made through the collaboration between USAID’s SAREP program and the Government of Karnataka.
During the visit, Ms. Reddy praised Karnataka’s energy transition efforts, highlighting its leadership in decarbonization and renewable energy growth. She particularly appreciated the vital role played by SLDC in effective electricity scheduling and grid monitoring, which has significantly strengthened the transmission network and enhanced grid security. Ms Reddy was enthused to see the active participation of women in the facility, underscoring their role in shaping future energy systems. Finally, she lauded the partnership and collaborative efforts, as they support Karnataka’s grid modernization ambitions and ensure an inclusive transition for all stakeholders.
This collaboration serves as an exemplary model for other Indian states to emulate in their clean energy journeys. The visit helped Ms Reddy to witness Karnataka’s clean energy transition, catalyzed by this collaboration, and the significance of inclusive practices within the clean energy sector.