SAREP engaged with PFC, PSSC and other stakeholders to identify areas for training and capacity building. Job roles requiring skilling for faster deployment of smart metering were identified for different phases of the smart metering lifecycle: pre-implementation, installation and commissioning, and post-implementation. Of the identified job roles, smart meter installer role was identified as the priority. More than 20,000 technicians will require skilling and re-skilling to achieve smart meter installation goals. Accordingly, SAREP helped PSSC develop a training guidebook for the smart meter installer job role. The team participated as guest master trainer for the training of trainers (ToT) program conducted by PSSC, held virtually on December 18. SAREP presented the first session, and the other master trainer presented the other three sessions. Presentation materials for all four sessions were prepared by the SAREP team. A total of six trainers attended the session.