The third and final part of the virtual master class on Short Term Power Trade through Power Exchanges, in association with PTC India Limited, took place on July 25, 2023, with 217 participants joining from over 100 organizations (govt. and private sector) from 14 countries. The session discussed open access/GNA requirements for power exchange participation, and trading of certificates (Renewable Energy Certificates (REC), and Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts).
The master class was organized by the South Asia Regional Energy Hub (SAREH), USAID’s coordination and communication platform. SAREH is constituted under USAID’s regional energy program, the South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP). It featured sessions by Grid Controller of India, Indian Energy Exchange (IEX), Hindustan Power Exchange, Power Exchange of India and PTC India.
First part of the master class was held virtually on June 26, 2023 was attended by 280 participants and provided the participants an introduction on short term power trade through power exchanges, Day-Ahead Market, Green Day ahead market, High Price Day Ahead Market products.
Second part of the masterclass was held on July 18, 2023 was attended by 253 participants and discussed the concepts of Real Time Market & Intra-day, and Day ahead contingency, term ahead market (TAM) products/ Green term ahead market (GTAM).
The master class aimed to promote market-based trade in the South Asian region and to provide stakeholders with a thorough understanding of power exchange-based short-term power trading. At the end of the master class, participants gained comprehensive expertise on power exchange-based electricity trading, which will aid in acquiring and selling electricity at the best possible price.
The survey conducted during the master class saw very encouraging and positive responses from the participants.