The Green Power 2023 Summit, hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industries Green Building Council (CII-GBC), was held in Hyderabad on December 4-5, 2023, and was graced by distinguished speakers from USAID and its SAREP program. Aaron Schubert, IPO Director (A), inaugurated the summit and talked about the India-US partnership and advancements under the partnership, especially in the clean energy sector.
The event highlighted the collaborative efforts of USAID’s SAREP program and CII-GBC in successfully implementing and advancing the Rooftop Solar Vendor Rating Program. 80 solar rooftop vendors certified under CII GBC’s Vendor Rating program supported by USAID were recognized at the summit and were honoured with rating certificates.
Sumedh Agarwal, Deputy Chief of Party for USAID’s SAREP program, moderated a technical session titled “Rooftop Solar 2.0” at the summit. Atul Dhir, the Renewable Energy Lead for the program, presented the quality and operational challenges in the rooftop solar market in India, which led to the evolution of the Vendor Rating Program developed jointly by USAID and CII-GBC.
With active participation from over 100 industry representatives, the session unveiled collaborative endeavours that are instrumental in shaping the trajectory of rooftop solar in India.