- South Asia Forum of Transmission Utilities (SAFTU)
- South Asia Forum of System Operators (SAFSO)
- South Asia Forum for Electricity Markets (SAFEM)
- South Asia Forum for Energy Investment (SAFEI)
- Working with SAFIR Working Group and SAARC council of experts of energy (electricity) regulators
In addition to these forums, SAREP is building consensus by making information and data available to all stakeholders. The recently launched South Asia Energy Database developed under SARI/EI will be expanded under SAREP to serve as a key resource for policymakers and utility managers in the region.
SAREP is also working towards establishing a Regional Parliamentary Forum (RPF) on energy cooperation and trade. The forum will help garner the required political support from policy makers and regulators to enhance energy cooperation and trade.
Through the South Asia Think Tank Forum (TTF) for regional energy cooperation, SAREP is working to enable the required CBET-related outreach and dissemination that will catalyze engagement with policymakers, media, and parliamentarians, bureaucrats, civil society, and citizens.