In the quaint village of Aurad, nestled in the heart of South Solapur District, a remarkable transformation is underway, spearheaded by the determined spirit of Rajshri Prakash Doranhali, 34, a graduate and now a grassroots leader. Engaged under SSP’s micro-entrepreneurship model, she embarked on a journey that not only altered her economic standing but also redefined her role within the household and the community.
Rajshri’s journey began with a beauty parlor in the village, a venture born out of her passion. However, economic uncertainties compelled her to diversify, and she found herself managing a grocery shop. It was during these challenging times that she discovered Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) in 2016, an organization that would later become the catalyst for her extraordinary story.
After a hiatus due to pregnancy and COVID-19 pandemic, Rajshri rejoined SSP, this time as a leader. Her journey with SSP unfolded through various social approach projects, each aimed at uplifting the community. Last year, she embraced a new role as a swayam sakhi, taking on the challenge of marketing and scaling adoption of biodigesters and subjee coolers.
Initially disheartened by the lack of response from farmers, Rajshri’s tenacity and training kicked in. Utilizing modern communication tools such as YouTube and Facebook, Rajshri showcased the advantages of biogas in terms of cash savings, health benefits, environmental impact, and organic farming
Her persistence paid o when, in a single day, Rajshri successfully assisted in the installation of 12 biogas plants. The financial implications were profound, turning what used to be a month’s earnings into a day’s accomplishment. The health of both the people and the farms improved, and organic farming gained momentum.
Undeterred, Rajshri set an ambitious target of 50 biogas installations per month. As per latest data, she has booked 206 biogas installations, and her determination remains unwavering. Her story is a testament to the power of community engagement, education, and the impact one individual can have on the well-being of an entire village.