Various bilateral and multilateral funding organizations (USAID-SARI/EI program, ADB-SASEC Program, SAARC, etc. are supporting the CBET which is necessary for economic growth of SA region.
Need for Institutionalizing the Process of CBET such as Creating Forum/Association of Regulators(SAFER) , Forum/Association of Transmission utilities (SAFTU)
The guidelines deal only with limited areas where need for such common guidelins has been felt by the SAC and are not meant to be comprehensively dealing with all matters relatd to CBET.
Analysis of international experience in formation of regional regulatory forums for harmonization of electricity regulations from the perspective of CBET.
Accessing Power Market in India, A Vibrant power market & power exchange exist . Prices are competitive. India APCC= 3.40 INR (0.05 US$/Kwh) Myanmar= 0.08 US$/Kwh ( 9 cents).
As per world bank estimates, SA countries needs to invest in the range of USD 1.7 trillion to USD 2.5 trillion( 2011-2020) to bring its power grids, roads, water supplies up to the stranded needed to serve the population.
An Year is divided into sub-time periods or Time-slices to capture the fluctuations within a day Total number of time-slices for an year is 288 i.e. 2304 time-slices in the model horizon.
As per world bank estimates, SA countries needs to invest in the range of USD 1.7 trillion to USD 2.5 trillion( 2011-2020) to bring its power grids, roads, water supplies up to the stranded needed to serve the population.
“Regional Regulatory Guideline” and “Suggested Changes/Amendments in Electricity Laws, Regulations and Policies
of South Asian Countries for Promoting Cross Border Electricity Trade in the South Asian Region”- Launched.
Both reservoir and pumped storage hydropower are flexible sources of electricity that can help in handle the variability of other renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaic electricity.
Both reservoir and pumped storage hydropower are flexible sources of electricity that can help in handle the variability of other renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaic electricity.