Transmission licensee shall submit proposal to regulatory commission to procure power from any new generation plant or for expansion of generation capacity from existing plant based on future demand forecast specified in Least Cost Long Term Generation Expansion Plan.
The study covers a range of demand growth, renewable development, interconnection scenarios and other scenarios to properly assess the scenarios for economic impact of CBET.
The current phase of the USAID SARI/EI initiative is to create the right “Enabling environment to support the establishment of a South Asian Electricity Market and gain consensus and support from the key decision makers and stakeholders.
Requirement of investors to take up large projects in hydro sector for sustainable cash flows which can be done by investment friendly policies in the region.
Study on Review of Electricity Laws, Regulations, Policies (EL&R&P) & Legal Structure of South Asian Countries (SAC) to Identify Areas that can Hinder Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET) and to recommend changes/ mendments therein for consideration of the SAC.
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) in the Europe is a pivotal body that issues non-binding opinions and recommendations to national energy regulators, transmission system operators, and the EU institutions on CBET.
To facilitate coordination and harmonization of regulatory issues that have a bearing on CBET. This would involve the preparation of guidelines, regulatory opinions, monitoring of implementation and provision of technical assistance.
Bangladesh has shown interest for making investment in hydro Power Projects being developed in Nepal and Bhutan (Regional Investment). SAARC has conducted prefeasibility studies for Regional /Sub-regional Power Plant.
To facilitate coordination and harmonization of regulatory issues that have a bearing on CBET. This would involve the preparation of guidelines, regulatory opinions, monitoring of implementation and provision of technical assistance.
Regulatory Workshop on “Cross-Border Energy Trade - Issues before Regulators in the South Asia Region "was successfully held on 19th- 20th February, 2013 at Kathmandu, Nepal.
Review of Electricity Laws, Regulations and Policies (EL&R&P) of SAC (South Asia Countries) to identify areas that can hinder cross border electricity trade and exchange to recommend changes therein for consideration of the SAC.
Currently, focus is bilateral and on case to case basis. Bhutan and Nepal have specific provisions in their laws relating to CBET. Specific provisions in electricity laws in the long term are extremely important and will provide conducive environment.
USEA plans to deliver training that goes beyond standard workshops, but instead will be a tailored transfer of best practices, reference documents and toolkits for the Nepalese to help them establish the appropriate institutional and operational frameworks for cross-border trade.
On 27 November 2014, Foreign Ministers of the eight member states signed an agreement on energy cooperation 'SAARC Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement (IGFA) for Energy Cooperation (Electricity)' during the concluding ceremony of the 18th SAARC Summit.
Transmission planning agencies of the Government to plan the crossborder grid interconnections through bilateral/trilateral/mutual agreements between the concerned states based on the needs of the trade in the foreseeable future through studies and sharing technical information required for the same.