As nations across South Asia strive to increase the Renewable Energy (RE) generation and reduce their carbon footprint, an efficient power network becomes crucial for facilitating the transition to sustainable energy and integrating renewable sources into the power grid. In addition, establishing a resilient and technologically advanced transmission network is crucial for withstanding cyberattacks and natural disasters. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) program is actively supporting transmission utilities and system operators across various South Asian regions through modernization efforts. This includes gap assessments, roadmap development, evaluation of network strengthening requirements, and development of frameworks to reinforce system inertia. These initiatives aim to enhance grid reliability and facilitate seamless absorption of high levels of renewable energy and contribute to the development of a forward-looking energy transmission infrastructure.
Key Interventions
- Supporting Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Support to Newly Formed Bhutan Power System Operator
- Framework for System Inertia Adequacy
- Planning for Resource and Network Adequacy
- Building Resilient and Cybersecure Power System
- Unlocking Capital through Asset Monetization
Gap Assessment and Hand-holding Support to State Transmission Utilities and System
- National-level gap assessment for Transmission Utilities and System Operators in Indian states
- Develop and organize a certification program for regional power system operators
- Modernization roadmap, capacity building, and handholding support to State Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- Design of a vision document and implementation roadmap
- Automation (Digitalization) of BPSO operations and network monitoring
- Estimate the long-term inertia requirements of the Indian power system
- Raise awareness and advocate for policies to establish a framework for deploying synchronous condensers
- Establish a robust framework for real-time monitoring of system inertia
- Network assessment for renewable integration and reliability for Karnataka Power Transmission Corp. Ltd.
- Frameworks, regulations, and system studies on resource adequacy for Tamil Nadu and Karnataka State Electricity Regulatory Commissions
- Transmission network adequacy studies for Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.
- Vulnerability assessment, system studies and roadmap for resilience planning
- Comprehensive cybersecurity preparedness assessment, and capacity building
- Developing cyber-crisis management plans and support and establishing cybersecurity operation centre
- Evaluation of state transmission utilities’ assets for monetization
- Support in creation of special purpose vehicles and transfer of assets