Knowledge Library Sector - RE Integration

- Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2023
- South Asia
Workshop Recommendations and Way Forward for Accelerating the Clean Energy Transformation through Coordinated Generation and Transmission Planning for Optimal and Sustainable Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia
Need for cooperation among south Asia countries to expand power trade among them was emphasized in the overall interest of energy access, energy sustainability..

- Green Hydrogen for Rapid Decarbonization, Investment Facilitation in Clean Energy
- 2023
- India
Investment Landscape of Green Hydrogen in India
This report provides a comprehensive guide for investments into India’s green hydrogen ecosystem, seeking to demystify the fundamentals, and provide a perspective on investment..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2023
- South Asia
Presentation on South Asia Forum on Energy Investment (SAFEI) and International Best Practices -Project of Common Interest (PCI)
Presentation on South Asia Forum on Energy Investment (SAFEI) and International Best Practices -Project of Common Interest (PCI) Power Summit, 2023, Nepal-Rajiv Ratna Panda,..

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 2023
- South Asia
Strategy Paper for Creation of South Asia Forum on Energy Investment (SAFEI) for Promoting Regional Energy Investment
One of the challenges faced by countries in South Asia is mobilizing investments at an affordable cost required for building the generation capacities and..

- E-Mobility, Investment Facilitation in Clean Energy
- 2023
- India
Investment Landscape of Indian E-Mobility Market
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to USAID India for ideation and guidance during the study, with special thanks to Ms. Apurva..
Events Sector - RE Integration

- 06/06/2024
- Asia
The Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2024 featured a pivotal spotlight session on June 6, 2024, at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters in Manila,..

- Renewable Energy
- 30/05/2024
- India
The Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Administration has embarked on a journey to upscale advanced renewable energy technologies. With the goal of augmenting the share..

- 28/05/2024
- India
The second edition of the Development Partners’ Meeting on Clean Energy Transition in South Asia, organized by USAID through its South Asia Regional Energy..

- 21/05/2024
- India
To advance Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the energy sector, USAID, through the South Asia Regional..

- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 09/05/2024
- India
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) manages power transmission, builds stations and power lines, and maintains high-voltage substations in Karnataka. Committed to clean energy..