Knowledge Library Sector - RE Integration

- Renewable Energy
- 2022
- South Asia
Reliability and Resiliency in South Asia’s Power Sector
Power systems around the world are changing because of the low cost of clean energy resources and a
focus on decarbonization…

- Energy Efficiency
- 2022
- South Asia
Integrating climate impacts into power system planning in south asia
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor..

- Net Zero Energy
- 2022
- India
ZerO In
Grid-Interactive Net Zero Energy Buildings (G-NZEB) which can be described as ‘highly energy-efficient, grid-connected buildings that meet their energy needs through renewable means, while..

- Renewable Energy
- PACE-D 2.0
- 2021
- South Asia
Vendor Rating Framework – Experience from the Pilot
The report benchmarks various rooftop solar (distributed solar) engineering, procurement and construction companies (EPCs or vendors) on a uniform set of parameters, which will..

- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- PACE-D 2.0
- 2021
- South Asia
Report on Optimal and Market Based Utilization of Electricity Supply Resources of Assam
This study examines the scope for optimization in the operation of the existing supply side resources of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL), India…
Events Sector - RE Integration

- E-Mobility
- 28/07/2023
- Bhutan
Bhutan is one of the few countries in the world who have committed to be carbon neutral and have achieved this status since 2011…

- Regional Power Trade and Markets
- 25/07/2023
- South Asia
The third and final part of the virtual master class on Short Term Power Trade through Power Exchanges, in association with PTC India Limited,..

- Energy Efficiency
- 22/07/2023
- India
USAID’s South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) Program joined forces with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) and hosted an event on “Accelerating India’s Net..

- Energy Efficiency
- 21/07/2023
- India
USAID through its South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) Program hosted “DAKSHTA (Drive for Advancing Knowledge and Solutions Through Aggregation) in Energy Efficiency: India’s..

- Energy Efficiency
- 14/07/2023
- India
USAID, through its South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) program in collaboration with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) organized an industry consultation on ‘Super-Efficient..