Knowledge Library Sector - Distribution
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- Renewable Energy
- PACE-D 2.0
- 2021
- India
Accelerating Use of Renewable Energy by Green Time of Day Tariff

- Renewable Energy
- 2021
- India
Transforming India’s Power Landscape
India’s National Tariff Policy mandates that power distribution companies (DISCOMs) purchase renewable energy (RE) to meet their renewable purchase obligation (RPO) targets. Procurement of..

- Renewable Energy
- 2021
- South Asia
Recommendations for a Renewable Energy Implementation Action Plan for Bangladesh
The white paper analyzes Bangladesh’s future power generation capacity plans, examines the targets set in various policies that promote utility-scale renewable energy (RE), and..

- Modernization of Distribution Utilities
- 2021
- South Asia
Prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia
This report highlights the prospects for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Development and Role of Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia and various associated challenges,..

- Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 2021
- South Asia
Brief Report on SARI/EI Participation in the Second in a 2021 series of webinar from the Clean Energy Ministerial Regional and Global Energy Interconnection Initiative
Based on the invitation received Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Associate Director, SARI/EI/IRADe participated as speaker in the second in a 2021 series of webinar..
Events Sector - Distribution
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- Regional Power Trade and Markets, Strengthening Transmission Utilities and System Operators
- 15/02/2023
- South Asia
Fourth Meeting of SAFIR Working Group on “Regulatory Cooperation to Facilitate Knowledge sharing, addressing Cross cutting Energy/ElectricityRegulatory Issues and Capacity Building in South Asia”..

- Green Hydrogen for Rapid Decarbonization
- 03/02/2023
- India
The recently launched National Green Hydrogen Mission aims to create over six lakh jobs, apart from abating nearly 50 MMT of annual greenhouse gas..

- Renewable Energy
- 30/01/2023
- India
The Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and technical assistance from USAID’s South Asia Regional Energy..

- Energy Efficiency
- 17/01/2023
- India
USAID India and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) held a brainstorming workshop for EESL, through the South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP), on January..

USAID Asia Bureau Assistant Administrator (AA) Michael Schiffer arrived in New Delhi to promote U.S. – India development partnerships, with a focus on clean..