Background: The company is a reputable Nepalese conglomerate with diversified business interests. The Group is backed by a strong workforce of 6000+ with an annual turnover of over US$400M. The company has a strong track record of executing similar projects in the country with 56 MW of operational projects and another 143 MW of projects under construction.
Project Description: The company is currently conducting project feasibility studies for two hydropower projects of a cumulative capacity of 375 MW for which it has received technical assistance financing from an American development finance institution to conduct these project preparation studies. Additionally, the company is also setting up a third smaller hydropower project of 54 MW.
Agreements: The company expects to sign PPAs for these projects by 2025 and has executed an MoU with a local distribution company.
India and Bangladesh have recently signed an MOU to purchase 10,000 MW and 5,000 MW of energy respectively, which will open doors for new export opportunities for Nepal.
The funds will be utilized for the construction of three hydropower projects (429 MW capacity) in Nepal. The company is looking to raise capital in the form of both equity and debt.
The company’s projects will significantly increase the renewable energy generation capacity of Nepal to serve the total energy demand of the country
Deal Size:
Deal Type:
Financing Type:
6 - 18 Months
Renewables (Wind / Solar / Hydro)
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