Background: The company is dedicated to advancing clean and sustainable energy solutions, with a primary focus on developing and demonstrating green hydrogen systems for various applications. The company has collaborated with Power to Hydrogen (P2H2, US) for AEM electrolyzer technology and Damodhartech International (India) for commissioning and installation of green hydrogen plants.
Technology: AEM electrolysis technology uses a novel chemistry that allows it to replace the precious metals used in PEM electrolyzers with nickel and stainless steel, while still being able to tie into intermittent renewables. P2H2’s technology showed 66% better current density with 80% less degradation. Further, average electrical consumption is 5 kWh/kg lesser than commercial PEM and liquid alkaline systems with projecting lifetimes of 40,000 hours. P2H2 technology has the potential to produce hydrogen for $2.25/kg when tied to renewable energy.
Management Overview: The management team comprises of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in technology (MS & PhD), financing and operations. Together, the team combines diverse expertise and a shared vision for sustainable green hydrogen solutions.
Localization of a 20 kW AEM electrolyzer with a smart module system for Indian market, jointly with technology partners. The majority of the funds are required for: Equipment Costs and Electrolyzer Components, Manpower and Workspace Expenses
AEM-based electrolyzers are efficient and cost-effective for green hydrogen production, offering superior durability and power density over alkaline / PEM electrolyzers. They are expected to play a crucial role in the emerging hydrogen economy
Deal Size:
Deal Type:
Financing Type:
< US$5M
Within 6 Months
Green Hydrogen
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