Background: Established in 2013, the company is a market leader with over a decade of experience in offering tailor-made solar solutions to the Sri Lankan market.
Track Record: The company has completed 2,000+ rooftop solar PV system projects under the supervision of Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and Lanka Electricity Company (LECO), contributing 50MW+ of electricity to the national grid. The company has also installed one mini-grid in Sri Lanka and another project is currently underway with funding support from a leading DFI.
Management Team: Each member of the core management team has over a decade of experience in related sectors.
Upcoming Project: The company is developing software, ML, and IoT solutions for energy efficiency. They are considering working towards deploying a mini-grid or working with an existing developer to improve the efficiency of the mini-grid through digital solutions. They also provide demand management and low-voltage distribution network control services, and trading platforms for energy markets.
Potential Impact: By offering a consistent and clean energy source, the project addresses the issue of energy access in remote and rural areas, aiming to improve living standards and support economic growth.
Use of Funds:
AI-Powered Renewable Mini-Grid Project related requirements:
– Software Development: control system integration, data analytics and monitoring software/SCADA
– Hardware and Equipment: solar panels, inverters, battery storage, other components for installation
– Installation and Setup: site preparation, transportation and logistics, salaries for engineers, technicians, and support staff
Deal Size:
Deal Type:
Financing Type:
< US$5M
Within 6 Months
Energy Efficiency, Other: ClimateTech, Energy Access, IoT, etc., Renewables (Wind / Solar / Hydro)
Sri Lanka
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